FC Sion | Elo: 1687 (+/- this season: -54) | #302 (out of 1857) | in Switzerland: #8 (out of 33)

All-Time High: 1884
1997/07/05, Super League
home vs. Neuchâtel Xamax FCS: 1-0
Debut Rating: 1451
1962/08/26, Super League (promoted for FC Fribourg / FC Schaffhausen)
away vs. Grasshopper Club Zürich: 1-6

Cumulative statistics for FC Sion up to and including the 2019-2020 season

Season High: 1799
2019/09/21, Super League
away vs. Neuchâtel Xamax FCS: 3-1
All-Time High: 1884 (including 2019-2020)
1997/07/05, Super League
home vs. Neuchâtel Xamax FCS: 1-0