Leigh RMI | Elo: 1156 (+/- this season: -7) | #1010 (out of 1111) | in England: #103 (out of 127)

All-Time High: 1196
2001/03/23, National League
home vs. Hereford United: 2-1
Debut Rating: 1041
2000/08/19, National League (promoted for Altrincham FC / Sutton United / Welling United FC)
home vs. Dagenham & Redbridge: 1-2

Cumulative statistics for Leigh RMI up to and including the 2001-2002 season

Season High: 1182
2002/03/30, National League
away vs. Woking FC: 1-1
All-Time High: 1196 (including 2001-2002)
2001/03/23, National League
home vs. Hereford United: 2-1