OGC Nice | Elo: 1811 (+/- this season: +11) | #131 (out of 704) | in France: #12 (out of 24)

All-Time High: 2015
2023/11/26, Ligue 1
home vs. Toulouse FC: 1-0
Debut Rating: 1850
1948/08/22, Ligue 1 (inaugural member)
away vs. Stade Français FC: 1-1

Cumulative statistics for OGC Nice up to and including the 1961-1962 season

Season High: 1828
1961/10/15, Ligue 1
away vs. AS Monaco: 2-1
All-Time High: 2004 (including 1961-1962)
1959/09/06, Ligue 1
home vs. CS Sedan: 3-0