Panathinaikos | Elo: 1761 (+/- this season: -92) | #202 (out of 1741) | in Greece: #3 (out of 48)

All-Time High: 2020
2003/02/23, Superleague
away vs. Aris Saloniki: 3-1
Debut Rating: 1650
1959/10/25, Superleague (inaugural member)
home vs. Panegialios FC: 2-1

Cumulative statistics for Panathinaikos up to and including the 2012-2013 season

Season High: 1877
2012/08/08, Champions League q.
home vs. Motherwell FC: 3-0
All-Time High: 2020 (including 2012-2013)
2003/02/23, Superleague
away vs. Aris Saloniki: 3-1