
responsible for the content according to German §6 TDG

Erik Pfeiffer

Mainzer Landstr. 138lo

60327 Frankfurt am Main

DE - Germany



I would like to thank my colleague Andranik Stepanyan who was especially helpful in obtaining historical data for several countries for which data was hard to find.

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All content displayed on this website can be used free of charge for non-commercial purposes. You are welcome to use this data e.g. in online forums or for analyses in blog entries or articles, provided that you properly cite the source, Upon request I may also provide data based on customized queries. What I won't provide are complete data dumps.

It is not allowed to mirror this page or lift substantial content to reproduce it elsewhere, especially not for commercial purposes and without citing the source.


While betting strategies based on elo ratings are conceivable, they may or may not be successful. No prediction on this site must be regarded as an instigation or suggestion to place bets on a specific outcome. As I don't expect to profit from possible earnings likewise I can't be held liable for any losses incurred through a betting decision made by a user of this site.

If you have any inquiries, hints, corrections or ideas for improvement, please drop me an E-Mail.

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