Sligo Rovers | Elo: 1331 (+/- this season: +108) | #681 (out of 777) | in Ireland: #7 (out of 16)

All-Time High: 1581
2012/05/18, Premier Division
home vs. Shelbourne FC: 3-0
Debut Rating: 1350
1955/11/13, Premier Division (inaugural member)
home vs. Shamrock Rovers: 0-4

Cumulative statistics for Sligo Rovers up to and including the 1981-1982 season

Season High: 1338
1982/02/14, Premier Division
home vs. Athlone Town: 3-0
All-Time High: 1442 (including 1981-1982)
1957/03/31, Premier Division
home vs. Cork Athletic: 2-0