York City | Elo: 1241 (+/- this season: +1) | #1351 (out of 1704) | in England: #94 (out of 128)

All-Time High: 1697
1975/03/22, Championship
home vs. Fulham FC: 3-2
Debut Rating: 1400
1958/08/23, League Two (inaugural member)
away vs. Oldham Athletic: 1-0

Cumulative statistics for York City up to and including the 2010-2011 season

Season High: 1276
2011/01/15, National League
away vs. Histon FC: 2-1
All-Time High: 1697 (including 2010-2011)
1975/03/22, Championship
home vs. Fulham FC: 3-2