Debreceni VSC | Elo: 1608 (+/- this season: +0) | #410 (out of 819) | in Hungary: #15 (out of 18)

All-Time High: 1887
2007/07/27, NB I
home vs. Gyori ETO FC: 2-0
Debut Rating: 1550
1960/07/31, NB I (promoted for Budapesti VSC / Szombathelyi Haladás)
home vs. Budapest Honvéd: 2-1

Cumulative statistics for Debreceni VSC up to and including the 1988-1989 season

Season High:
vs. : -
All-Time High: 1717 (including 1988-1989)
1983/02/27, NB I
away vs. Tatabánya FC: 1-1