FC Bihor Oradea | Elo: 1515 (+/- this season: +0) | #530 (out of 788) | in Romania: #20 (out of 21)

All-Time High: 1689
1984/02/18, Liga 1
home vs. FC Baia Mare: 4-0
Debut Rating: 1558
1963/08/25, Liga 1 (promoted for Jiul Petrosani / Metalul Târgovi?te / Viitorul Bucuresti)
home vs. Rapid Bucuresti: 1-1

Cumulative statistics for FC Bihor Oradea up to and including the 1986-1987 season

Season High:
vs. : -
All-Time High: 1689 (including 1986-1987)
1984/02/18, Liga 1
home vs. FC Baia Mare: 4-0