KR Reykjavík | Elo: 1318 (+/- this season: +45) | #685 (out of 778) | in Iceland: #6 (out of 13)

All-Time High: 1596
1964/06/10, Urvalsdeild
home vs. Þróttur Reykjavík: 4-0
Debut Rating: 1375
1955/07/27, Urvalsdeild (inaugural member)
home vs. Valur Reykjavík: 1-1

Cumulative statistics for KR Reykjavík up to and including the 1982-1983 season

Season High: 1331
1983/06/12, Urvalsdeild
away vs. ÍA Akranes: 1-1
All-Time High: 1596 (including 1982-1983)
1964/06/10, Urvalsdeild
home vs. Þróttur Reykjavík: 4-0