Legia Warszawa | Elo: 1728 (+/- this season: +16) | #241 (out of 1704) | in Poland: #2 (out of 44)

All-Time High: 1949
1971/03/27, Ekstraklasa
home vs. Stal Rzeszow: 1-0
Debut Rating: 1650
1955/07/03, Ekstraklasa (inaugural member)
home vs. Garbarnia Krakow: 5-0

Cumulative statistics for Legia Warszawa up to and including the 2010-2011 season

Season High: 1728
2011/05/29, Ekstraklasa
home vs. Polonia Bytom: 4-0
All-Time High: 1949 (including 2010-2011)
1971/03/27, Ekstraklasa
home vs. Stal Rzeszow: 1-0