Lisburn Distillery | Elo: 951 (+/- this season: -45) | #807 (out of 809) | in Northern Ireland: #14 (out of 14)

All-Time High: 1376
1963/11/30, Irish League
away vs. Crusaders FC: 5-1
Debut Rating: 1250
1955/12/03, Irish League (inaugural member)
away vs. Coleraine FC: 1-2

Cumulative statistics for Lisburn Distillery up to and including the 1987-1988 season

Season High: 995
1988/03/02, Irish League
home vs. Larne FC: 2-1
All-Time High: 1376 (including 1987-1988)
1963/11/30, Irish League
away vs. Crusaders FC: 5-1