Budapesti Vasas | Elo: 1794 (+/- this season: +80) | #149 (out of 749) | in Hungary: #3 (out of 18)

All-Time High: 2013
1966/11/13, NB I
away vs. Diósgyöri VTK: 1-0
Debut Rating: 1650
1954/03/07, NB I (inaugural member)
away vs. Ferencvárosi TC: 0-2

Cumulative statistics for Budapesti Vasas up to and including the 1972-1973 season

Season High: 1822
1973/05/06, NB I
home vs. Diósgyöri VTK: 4-1
All-Time High: 2013 (including 1972-1973)
1966/11/13, NB I
away vs. Diósgyöri VTK: 1-0