Ethnikos Piraeus | Elo: 1499 (+/- this season: +15) | #611 (out of 949) | in Greece: #19 (out of 21)

All-Time High: 1696
1976/03/28, Superleague
away vs. Olympiakos Piraeus: 2-0
Debut Rating: 1650
1959/10/25, Superleague (inaugural member)
home vs. AEK Athen: 0-1

Cumulative statistics for Ethnikos Piraeus up to and including the 1991-1992 season

Season High: 1499
1992/06/07, Superleague
away vs. Panserraikos: 2-2
All-Time High: 1696 (including 1991-1992)
1976/03/28, Superleague
away vs. Olympiakos Piraeus: 2-0