Fehérvár FC | Elo: 1690 (+/- this season: +7) | #307 (out of 949) | in Hungary: #8 (out of 16)

All-Time High: 1907
2012/08/09, Europa League q.
away vs. KAA Gent: 3-0
Debut Rating: 1521
1968/03/02, NB I (promoted for Dorogi FC / Ózdi Kohász SE)
away vs. Budapesti Vasas: 1-6

Cumulative statistics for Fehérvár FC up to and including the 1991-1992 season

Season High: 1747
1992/03/21, NB I
away vs. Újpest FC: 4-1
All-Time High: 1852 (including 1991-1992)
1985/04/10, Europa League
home vs. Željeznicar Sarajevo: 3-1