Fenerbahçe | Elo: 1711 (+/- this season: -150) | #243 (out of 1143) | in Turkey: #5 (out of 21)

All-Time High: 2043
2023/10/29, Süperlig
away vs. Pendikspor: 5-0
Debut Rating: 1600
1955/10/08, Istanbul City League (inaugural member)
away vs. Beykozspor: 1-1

Cumulative statistics for Fenerbahçe up to and including the 2002-2003 season

Season High: 1857
2002/08/09, Süperlig
away vs. Trabzonspor: 0-0
All-Time High: 1927 (including 2002-2003)
1996/11/28, Champions League
home vs. Rapid Wien: 1-0