Pärnu JK Vaprus | Elo: 832 (+/- this season: -1) | #1233 (out of 1263) | in Estonia: #6 (out of 13)

All-Time High: 1021
1992/05/16, Meistriliiga
home vs. Tulevik Viljandi: 4-1
Debut Rating: 1000
1992/05/02, Meistriliiga (inaugural member)
home vs. Tallinna Dünamo: 1-1

Cumulative statistics for Pärnu JK Vaprus up to and including the 2005-2006 season

Season High: 832
2006/03/08, Meistriliiga
away vs. FC TVMK: 1-3
All-Time High: 1021 (including 2005-2006)
1992/05/16, Meistriliiga
home vs. Tulevik Viljandi: 4-1