SV Ried | Elo: 1618 (+/- this season: -43) | #450 (out of 1800) | in Austria: #8 (out of 36)

All-Time High: 1789
2009/07/25, Bundesliga Austria
home vs. RB Salzburg: 1-0
Debut Rating: 1375
1993/08/06, 2. Liga (inaugural member)
home vs. Favoritner AC: 2-1

Cumulative statistics for SV Ried up to and including the 2013-2014 season

Season High: 1719
2013/08/31, Bundesliga Austria
away vs. FC Admira Wacker: 4-1
All-Time High: 1789 (including 2013-2014)
2009/07/25, Bundesliga Austria
home vs. RB Salzburg: 1-0