Wrexham AFC | Elo: 1692 (+/- this season: +5) | #286 (out of 758) | in England: #38 (out of 93)

All-Time High: 1754
1980/01/05, FA Cup
home vs. Charlton Athletic: 6-0
Debut Rating: 1550
1958/08/23, League One (inaugural member)
away vs. Swindon Town: 0-1

Cumulative statistics for Wrexham AFC up to and including the 1978-1979 season

Season High: 1745
1978/12/09, Championship
home vs. West Ham United: 4-3
All-Time High: 1745 (including 1978-1979)
1978/12/09, Championship
home vs. West Ham United: 4-3