Bolton Wanderers | Elo: 1885 (+/- this season: +35) | #70 (out of 1152) | in England: #16 (out of 124)

All-Time High: 2043
2006/01/28, FA Cup
home vs. Arsenal FC: 1-0
Debut Rating: 1900
1955/08/20, Premier League (inaugural member)
away vs. Chelsea FC: 2-0

Cumulative statistics for Bolton Wanderers up to and including the 2000-2001 season

Season High: 1899
2001/01/28, FA Cup
home vs. Scunthorpe United: 5-1
All-Time High: 1979 (including 2000-2001)
1960/02/06, Premier League
away vs. Fulham FC: 1-1