Cagliari Calcio | Elo: 2001 (+/- this season: +44) | #24 (out of 746) | in Italy: #4 (out of 39)

All-Time High: 2104
1970/10/25, Serie A
away vs. Inter: 3-1
Debut Rating: 1675
1955/09/18, Serie B (inaugural member)
home vs. A.C.R. Messina: 3-2

Cumulative statistics for Cagliari Calcio up to and including the 1971-1972 season

Season High: 2023
1972/04/16, Serie A
home vs. Vicenza Virtus: 3-0
All-Time High: 2104 (including 1971-1972)
1970/10/25, Serie A
away vs. Inter: 3-1