CE Sabadell | Elo: 1742 (+/- this season: +64) | #211 (out of 761) | in Spain: #33 (out of 42)

All-Time High: 2014
1958/10/12, Segunda Division
home vs. Real Avilés: 4-2
Debut Rating: 2000
1948/09/12, Primera Division (inaugural member)
home vs. Real Madrid: 1-2

Cumulative statistics for CE Sabadell up to and including the 1977-1978 season

Season High: 1771
1977/11/13, Segunda Division
home vs. Club Getafe Deportivo: 1-0
All-Time High: 2014 (including 1977-1978)
1958/10/12, Segunda Division
home vs. Real Avilés: 4-2