FC Volendam | Elo: 1670 (+/- this season: +115) | #308 (out of 761) | in Netherlands: #12 (out of 37)

All-Time High: 1758
1989/12/10, Eredivisie
home vs. Feyenoord: 2-0
Debut Rating: 1537
1959/08/23, Eredivisie (promoted for Holland Sport / NOAD Tilburg)
home vs. DWS Amsterdam: 3-1

Cumulative statistics for FC Volendam up to and including the 1977-1978 season

Season High: 1682
1978/04/23, Eredivisie
home vs. Go Ahead Eagles: 1-0
All-Time High: 1686 (including 1977-1978)
1962/10/07, Eredivisie
away vs. FC Groningen: 2-2