FK Smederevo | Elo: 1283 (+/- this season: +0) | #1300 (out of 1803) | in Serbia: #24 (out of 24)

All-Time High: 1624
2003/11/29, Super Liga
away vs. FK Hajduk Kula: 2-0
Debut Rating: 1422
1998/08/08, Super Liga (promoted for FK Cukaricki / Mladost Lucani)
home vs. FK Radnicki 1923: 1-3

Cumulative statistics for FK Smederevo up to and including the 2014-2015 season

Season High:
vs. : -
All-Time High: 1624 (including 2014-2015)
2003/11/29, Super Liga
away vs. FK Hajduk Kula: 2-0