Motherwell FC | Elo: 1545 (+/- this season: -12) | #523 (out of 747) | in Scotland: #11 (out of 20)

All-Time High: 1798
1994/12/03, Premiership
away vs. Celtic FC: 2-2
Debut Rating: 1550
1955/09/10, Premiership (inaugural member)
home vs. East Fife FC: 5-2

Cumulative statistics for Motherwell FC up to and including the 1963-1964 season

Season High: 1566
1963/10/12, Premiership
away vs. Dundee FC: 3-1
All-Time High: 1680 (including 1963-1964)
1961/03/07, Premiership
home vs. Dundee United: 4-3