Oxford United | Elo: 1686 (+/- this season: -8) | #288 (out of 1019) | in England: #43 (out of 122)

All-Time High: 1936
1986/11/15, Premier League
away vs. Queens Park Rangers: 1-1
Debut Rating: 1214
1962/08/18, League Two (promoted for Accrington Stanley)
away vs. Barrow AFC: 2-3

Cumulative statistics for Oxford United up to and including the 1993-1994 season

Season High: 1706
1993/08/14, Championship
home vs. Portsmouth FC: 3-2
All-Time High: 1936 (including 1993-1994)
1986/11/15, Premier League
away vs. Queens Park Rangers: 1-1