Raith Rovers | Elo: 1531 (+/- this season: +68) | #571 (out of 1019) | in Scotland: #14 (out of 14)

All-Time High: 1679
1995/10/07, Premiership
away vs. Motherwell FC: 2-0
Debut Rating: 1550
1955/09/10, Premiership (inaugural member)
home vs. St. Mirren FC: 2-2

Cumulative statistics for Raith Rovers up to and including the 1993-1994 season

Season High: 1531
1994/05/14, Premiership
away vs. Dundee United: 3-2
All-Time High: 1647 (including 1993-1994)
1957/11/23, Premiership
away vs. Queens Park FC: 3-2