Cork City | Elo: 1480 (+/- this season: -39) | #758 (out of 1433) | in Ireland: #3 (out of 19)

All-Time High: 1712
2017/07/09, Premier Division
home vs. St Patricks Athletic: 1-0
Debut Rating: 1053
1984/09/16, Premier Division (promoted for no club)
away vs. Dundalk FC: 0-1

Cumulative statistics for Cork City up to and including the 2007-2008 season

Season High: 1524
2007/07/10, Premier Division
away vs. Galway United: 2-1
All-Time High: 1593 (including 2007-2008)
2005/07/22, Premier Division
home vs. Shamrock Rovers: 3-0