Dover Athletic | Elo: 1239 (+/- this season: +24) | #1389 (out of 1813) | in England: #98 (out of 126)

All-Time High: 1280
2017/11/11, National League
home vs. Eastleigh FC: 2-0
Debut Rating: 1077
1993/08/21, National League (promoted for Boston United / Farnborough Town)
home vs. Kidderminster Harriers: 3-1

Cumulative statistics for Dover Athletic up to and including the 2015-2016 season

Season High: 1266
2015/10/31, National League
away vs. Tranmere Rovers: 1-0
All-Time High: 1266 (including 2015-2016)
2015/10/31, National League
away vs. Tranmere Rovers: 1-0