AIK Solna | Elo: 1751 (+/- this season: -23) | #206 (out of 1803) | in Sweden: #4 (out of 47)

All-Time High: 1865
2018/11/01, Allsvenskan
away vs. Östersunds FK: 2-1
Debut Rating: 1625
1955/08/07, Allsvenskan (inaugural member)
home vs. Helsingborgs IF: 1-0

Cumulative statistics for AIK Solna up to and including the 2014-2015 season

Season High: 1799
2014/07/12, Allsvenskan
home vs. Kalmar FF: 3-0
All-Time High: 1836 (including 2014-2015)
1999/08/25, Champions League q.
home vs. AEK Athen: 1-0