KFC Uerdingen 05 | Elo: 1782 (+/- this season: -15) | #160 (out of 1010) | in Germany: #21 (out of 85)

All-Time High: 2027
1986/10/04, Bundesliga
home vs. Hamburger SV: 1-0
Debut Rating: 1354
1971/08/01, Regionalliga (2nd level) (promoted for Bonner SC / Göppinger SV / Hamborn 07 / Saar 05 Saarbrücken / SC Staaken / SV Meppen / TuS Wannsee / VfB Oldenburg / VfB Theley / VfL Nord Berlin / VfR Mannheim / Viktoria Aschaffenburg / Wacker München)
home vs. Eintracht Gelsenkirchen: 1-0

Cumulative statistics for KFC Uerdingen 05 up to and including the 1992-1993 season

Season High: 1808
1992/10/02, Bundesliga
home vs. Bayer Leverkusen: 2-1
All-Time High: 2027 (including 1992-1993)
1986/10/04, Bundesliga
home vs. Hamburger SV: 1-0