Ruch Chorzów | Elo: 1476 (+/- this season: +129) | #765 (out of 1911) | in Poland: #27 (out of 54)

All-Time High: 1908
1975/03/05, Champions League
home vs. AS Saint-Étienne: 3-2
Debut Rating: 1650
1955/08/17, Ekstraklasa (inaugural member)
away vs. LKS Lódz: 0-0

Cumulative statistics for Ruch Chorzów up to and including the 2022-2023 season

Season High: 1480
2023/05/19, I Liga
home vs. Odra Opole: 3-0
All-Time High: 1908 (including 2022-2023)
1975/03/05, Champions League
home vs. AS Saint-Étienne: 3-2