Tromsø IL | Elo: 1552 (+/- this season: -21) | #604 (out of 1803) | in Norway: #13 (out of 57)

All-Time High: 1762
2012/10/21, Eliteserien
home vs. FK Haugesund: 2-0
Debut Rating: 1419
1986/05/01, Eliteserien (promoted for Fredrikstad FK / Strindheim IL)
away vs. Kongsvinger IL: 1-1

Cumulative statistics for Tromsø IL up to and including the 2014-2015 season

Season High: 1580
2014/08/10, 1. Divisjon
home vs. Tromsdalen UIL: 5-1
All-Time High: 1762 (including 2014-2015)
2012/10/21, Eliteserien
home vs. FK Haugesund: 2-0