Randers FC | Elo: 1706 (+/- this season: -22) | #279 (out of 1882) | in Denmark: #8 (out of 45)

All-Time High: 1774
2022/09/18, Superligaen
home vs. Silkeborg IF: 3-2
Debut Rating: 1408
1970/04/19, Superligaen (promoted for Aarhus GF / Odense BK)
away vs. Aalborg BK: 2-2

Cumulative statistics for Randers FC up to and including the 2021-2022 season

Season High: 1769
2021/11/25, Europa Conf. League
home vs. CFR Cluj: 2-1
All-Time High: 1769 (including 2021-2022)
2021/11/25, Europa Conf. League
home vs. CFR Cluj: 2-1